Microwave Radar
• Max/Min Range an accuracy are a function of antenna design and size of object to be detected.
• Estimated performance at 60m, 60 degree FoV
Detection of person (RCS=0.1) and larger objects
Detection of motorcycle (RCS=0.1) possible even with increased FoV to 120 degree
• Estimated performance at 120m, 30 degree FoV
Detection of person (RCS=0.1) and larger objects
Detection of Motorcycles (RCS=1.0) possible even with increased FoV to 60 degree

Quick and accurate target detection
•Low False alarm rates
•Wide selection of detection options (up to 1.5 km)
•Over Ground/Water
•Vehicles up to 1.5 Km
•People up to 1 Km
Dual Cameras (Day/ Thermal)
Short range “staring” radar UP to 140à340à500 m detection range
Internal Recording
Minimum energy consumption (using “sleep mode” or external batteries)
Full integration with external sensors( Seismic sensors )
Remotely control
GPS and Mapping
Multi cast broadcast
Multiple communication methods (Lan, Wi-Fi, Cellular, UHF)
Easily integrated with C2/ C4I Systems
Supporting Onvif protocol